Maiden name - Majerechová
She was born in 1950 in Ladce ( Považská Bystrica). Since 1973 she has been living and working in Bratislava. She graduated from Economic University and worked for the largest and most prosperous production farm union in Slovakia where she was a part of management. After revolution she had an ambition to start her own business and she established her own advertising agency, which she still owns in present.
In her early childhood, she had already been painting by using water colours and pencils variousmotives-from biblical, the country sceneries, nature up to portrets of famous personalities… You can see her very first pieces she painted as 13 years old, on this and this link.
Even during her Elemetary school she was drawing and designing clothes for all of her mother´s clients, who was a taylor. She has never attended any art school. She is semi-self learner. All her knowldegde she has learnt just by practice, experiences and on internet. At the same time she completed a courses of painting in Czech Republic (in Olomouc) and in Slovakia (CVČ in Ilava) under the lead of Mgr. Teicherovej.
After longer break she returned to her old passion- painting, that was her life dream. Starting in 2005 she began to paint again and since then she has been working on painting and mastering her craft to perfection…
Her activities are not ending by just by that, she is also working on interior design and furniture – from proposals of dispositional solutions to made to measure furniture.
In present she is spending the most of time by painting of realistic pictures. She uses charcoal, pencils, colour pastels, nature colour pigments (dry paintings), oil and acrylic colours.